# Imprint

# Contact

This website and the venueless offerings are operated by

rami.io GmbH
Markgräfler Straße 16
69126 Heidelberg

E-Mail: hallo [at] venueless.org
Phone: +49 6221 3217780

Registered at Amtsgericht Mannheim as HRB 738451 Managing Director: Raphael Michel

USt-IdNr.: DE337556328

# Disclaimer

rami.io is only responsible for the contents of this website. Any events that are hosted on the venueless platform are under the control of the respective event organizers and they are responsible for their contents. We cannot take any liability for the correctness or legality for these contents and kindly ask you to get in touch with the event organizer (or us, if they are not reachable), if there is a problem.

We took great care with assembling this website. However, we can not take any liability for the absence of errors, for the correctness, completeness, currentness or accuracy of this website. We exclude liability for all harm caused by using this website.

All page contents are the property of the page authors. Reproducing, editing or distributing the contents require permission of the page author. Downloads and copies of the page are allowed for private use. Any contents on this page not created by the page's authors are marked appropriately. Should you however notice a copyright infringement on this website, we kindly ask you to contact us. We will remove such contents as fast as possible.

All external pages that are linked from this website are outside of our control. At the time we created the links, they did not contain any visible illegal content. However, as we cannot check them all the time, we cannot assume any liability for them and kindly ask you to contact us, if a link on this page points to a illegal webpage. We will remove the link as soon as possible in this case.